Things I said Alhumdulillah for in March 2017…
Alhumdulillah means “All Praise is due to God” and are the words uttered by a Muslim when he/she is expressing gratitude to Allah. I find myself saying this numerous times a day and this post is a collection of moments when I have said Alhumdulillah during the past month.
Things I said Alhumdulillah for in March:
- Hosting my very first Mother’s Day event at Farzi Cafe in partnership with some amazing brands, and getting to spend lunch with a group of gorgeous ladies as we laugh about what Motherhood has done to us. Take a glimpse of it all here.
- Finding happiness in the tiniest of gestures.
- Completing an entire term with the wonderful Catherine of Music Monkeys at KidsHQ, and having her give Master Z his first ever certificate at the end of it. He was more interested in the star stamp on his hand, but his leap in confidence has not gone unnoticed and fills me with so much pride!
- Having my baby brother, Mr A’s flight tickets booked for him to visit us during the summer for a whole month. Can.Not.Wait.
- Watching Master Z fall asleep soundly and drinking it all in…
- Going on an “accidental” shopping spree!
- Those moments when my husband and I are on the same wavelength and agree on the same things. (Makes life much easier that way too! ha!)
- Doing little DIY crafts and art projects with Master Z, like making a cardboard robot with him or painting with straws, and then watching him show it off to the family with pride.
- Uploading another sentimental video on Youtube on my thoughts as a Mother of a Boy.
- Having faith in humanity restored after meeting people who are genuinely kind, no matter what their status. Especially after a day of being suffocated by the opposite.
- Master Z finally watching the Dubai Mall Water Fountain show without being scared. (He’s not a fan of loud noises) He actually enjoyed it TWICE for the first time and was full of smiles!
- The return of my favourite TV show, Made In Chelsea, to get me through those tough parenting days! #guiltypleasure
These are just a few of the many times I uttered the words Alhumdulillah this month. Check out what I was thankful for last month here. Also, here’s a list of what I was thankful for in March last year! What are you thankful for? Feel free to share your moments in the comments section below!