Things I said Alhumdulillah for in October…
Alhumdulillah means “All Praise is due to God” and are the words uttered by a Muslim when he/she is expressing gratitude to Allah. I find myself saying this numerous times a day and this post is a collection of moments when I have said Alhumdulilah during the past month.

Things I said Alhumdulillah for in October:
- Winter is finally here, woohoo! We have been enjoying having our meals out in the balcony and walks in the park, and it’s pure bliss!
- An amazing experience at TODA (Theatre of Digital Art) where we got to experience painting in VR (Virtual Reality) and the art student in me was very excited to see the original paint palettes of Van Gogh and Kandinsky, what an amazing privilege.
- Launching my very first Instagram filter called Grateful Day! I am absolutely loving seeing others use it and share it too, and I can’t wait to make a few more!
- There’s been a couple more new announcements on the Mummy On My Mind Store front too, with the launch of Doodle Wood slices and expanding our shipping to the UK too! Such exciting times!
- Enjoying a lovely little half term break with the kids. We headed over to Ajman for a mini staycation, and it was lovely to see the boys splashing in the beach and swimming pool, whilst I did the very same! Because us parents deserve a break too!
- Eating cake for dessert post dinner…it may or may not have been pretty much every night in a row over a week! 😛
- Making my own silky prayer scarf. I basically saw it first on my feed on Instagram and was #influenced but since it was sold out, I figuired I would just make it myself. So Mr Z took me into the depths of Rola in Sharjah, we sourced a beautiful golen coloured silk fabric and had it sewn at another shop to exactly what I wanted. I absolutely love it, and feel like a princess every time I pray in it!
- Checking off a to-do list. No better satisfaction.
- Receiving lovely autumnal images from my parents back in the UK over Whatsapp; conkers, orange leaves and the whole works!
- Getting stuck into another book on my Kindle after not having read for quite a while.

These are just a few of the many times I uttered the words Alhumdulillah this month. Check out what I was thankful for last month here. Also, here’s a list of what I was thankful for in October last year! What are you thankful for? Feel free to share your moments in the comments section below.