Things I said Alhumdulillah for in April 2020…
Alhumdulillah means “All Praise is due to God” and are the words uttered by a Muslim when he/she is expressing gratitude to Allah. I find myself saying this numerous times a day and this post is a collection of moments when I have said Alhumdulilah during the past month.
Things I said Alhumdulillah for in April:
- Baking brownies for the first time and having them turn out to be absolutely perfect!
- Taking in the fresh air in the balcony.
- The sterilisation lockdown here in Dubai is still very much in full swing, and UAE is taking all the necessary precautions to protect it’s residents from Covid-19. I don’t think I would feel safer in any other country than the one I am in right now.
- The spirit of every coming together to support each other in various different ways, especially those trinkets of resources being offered to help entertain the kids. I could name so many, but here’s a little something that we got involved in ourselves. The solidarity is what’s keeping us going.
- Getting a surprise delivery of craft items by @shakeelgroupae!
- Getting a surprise delivery of Kripy Kremes, ordered by Mr Z!
- The smell of freshly rained upon earth.
- Those 2-3 hours in the day that Little Z naps. Life saver!
- Teaching Master Z how to do Wudhu and pray using the My Salah Mat.
- Cooking and trying new recipes with Mr Z! (Yes, can you tell our Quarantine time mostly revolves around food…:P)
- Mr Z getting creative with the camera and shooting a little video starring our boys!
- The start of Ramadan 2020! May Allah shower his blessings and mercy upon us all during this month.
- Being made a Johnsons Brand Ambassador! It is an absolute pleasure. Here’s the first video I created in collaboration with the brand, if you fancy having a look…It’s my Energy Date Balls recipe that Master Z and I made together. Enjoy!
- Praying in Jamat with my husband.

These are just a few of the many times I uttered the words Alhumdulillah this month. Check out what I was thankful for last month here. Also, here’s a list of what I was thankful for in April last year! What are you thankful for? Feel free to share your moments in the comments section below.