Teething Hell…
This blog wouldn’t be perfect without posting about the bad moments in my life too. Life isn’t always full of chocolates and smiling babies, especially when you are a mother and your baby has to go through the natural HORRIFIC process of teething!
Teething. It is what makes Baby Z turn from a cute little giggly boy into … Well, a whinging monster. Non stop whining, needy, drooling, swollen cheeks, gritting gums, runny nose, watery eyes and to top it off, loose motions… OK you get the picture.
I am currently writing this after being woken up by exactly that in the early hours of the morning. Thankfully, after a couple of hours of undermining all my methods of entertainment, he has gone to sleep and is cuddled up next to me. I know I should be sympathetic towards his pain, and I will be… perhaps after a few hours. Right now , all that my mind can register is a shrill sound in my head that can only be translated as lack of sleep and tiredness.
Oh no… He is stirring. Did I breathe too loudly? Please God, please let me keep my sanity let him sleep for just a little while longer.
I hope he went back to sleep! I also hope he gets better soon! I know how bad it is! Hang in there mama…!
Thankyouu! He did go back to sleep… But only for a few minutes! He is much better today though!