Mummy Life / My Thoughts

First Time Mummy Tips from another First Time Mummy:

Below are a list of ten tips that I hope can help any first time mummies out there who need a Heads Up or Know How on life as a new mummy!

Number 1: Trust your Mummy Instinct! I know you have probably read plenty of books, but theres nothing that can compare with your gut feeling. If you have a feeling about something concerning your baby, go with it. It will most likely serve you well.

Number 2: Be prepared to be judged and questioned for EVERYTHING, even down to the colour of socks you purchased for your baby! You may think that something so mundane or of “common sense” will not be questioned, but oh it surely will, and it doesn’t even matter if the person is a close family member or a stranger that crosses your path on the road, those judgements will come flying at you.

Number 3: Don’t stop eating. It was very easy for me to become so focussed on my new born baby, that eatingand drinking were forgotten. This was not at all helpful. It is so important that you keep up your energy and take care of your own body so that you may be able to nurture the health of your baby.

Number 4: Don’t be afraid to take some time out. You need some rest too. Parenting is difficult at the best of times and every mother needs a break, even if it means a 10 minute quiet tea and biscuit session whilst you scroll through Pinterest for Interior Decoration ideas.

Number 5: Take all advice with a pinch of salt, no matter how qualified the advisor is! Don’t forget that every baby is different, so what has been advised for all others, may not work for your baby.

Number 6: It is OKAY to cry. All those pregnancy hormones are going to take a while to just clear out of your body! The first week after the new arrival was tough. Anything and everything could kick start the water works, but thankfully my husband was patient throughout.

Number 7: Support groups or forums are very beneficial. In Dubai, we don’t have midwife visits every couple of weeks to advise new mothers like you do in England. I could of course go to the doctor and did so when the need arose. However, the rest of the time, I gathered support and advice on my phone from all over the globe thanks to the Birth Group on the Baby Centre App. I found it so helpful to see what other mummies and babies were doing in the same position as me, and I still use it to date. I would encourage all new mummies to be a part of a support group, whether it be virtual or a real group at the local community centre. It is truly worth a pot of gold!

Number 8: Give you partner lots of loving too. Yes, they may sometimes be slacking and not do as you ask of them, but they are new to all this too! Let them know they are doing a great job, and I am sure it will be beneficial for you, your partner and your baby.

Number 9: Let Baby be your focus. The laundary can wait. Apart from taking care of yourself by eating, drinking, bathing and so on… The only other thing that requires your full attention is the baby. For the first few weeks, don’t worry so much about getting the dishes washed straight after dinner or cleaning the kitchen tiles as you normally would every Saturday.

Number 10: Savour every moment. You know how they say that “Babies grow so fast”… Boy, is that true! Just yesterday I was looking back at photographs of my new born baby boy (He is 9 months now), I couldn’t believe it was the same guy! Those days felt like light years ago! I would also recommend that you document this special time, whether that may be via photographs, videos or even a diary of your thoughts on how cute your baby sounds when he/she hiccups. All these things will be quite a priceless treasure in the future.

Hope this was helpful! If you have any other tips or Know Hows, please share by commenting below


March 9, 2015 at 2:43 pm

This is such a great article! Some really useful tips for for first time mums!

April 24, 2015 at 12:12 pm

Brilliant tips and advice for all 1st time mums! #TheList

April 24, 2015 at 1:51 pm

Great tips. Very Informative! #TheList

April 25, 2015 at 9:40 pm

Great list – you hit some really important points like it’s okay to cry, every baby is different & put baby first the laundry can wait – really good advice for first time mommies 🙂 #TheList

April 26, 2015 at 10:06 am

Great list, all such important, simple things – especially the remembering to eat one! x #thelist

April 27, 2015 at 1:19 pm

Great list, so important to remember those things but it can be hard when a new baby lands, your head can be all over the place! #thelist

May 1, 2015 at 6:05 am

Bless you, this is so supportive for women going through what was for me a hard time!! I agree with them all 🙂 thanks for linking up to #TheList xx

February 14, 2016 at 12:58 am

I could identify with each n every point?

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